Wednesday, 16 October 2013

writing prompt 2 -lion vs lamb

one day as a lion


it is better to live one day as a lion, then a thousand as a lamb"

i think this is trying to say that some people find it easier or more desirable to live life as a "lion" being a more powerful person who enjoys leadership rather than being more of a second string to others, being as the lion would be the person who orchestrates the whole operation and the people as the lambs would be the people who would follow the power persons ideas and plans, in my opinion i would rather live some days as a lion and others as a lamb, i think it is ultimately important to let go of those "power reign " for a day and let other people take leadership.
this phrase could also be taken in a more negative route, for example the person i envision using this phrase would be a person of great power, someone in the government perhaps, this person would enjoy the power they receive from this job and they can only see themselves as a lion and their "people" as the lambs, who would ultimately fall subject to their ideas.

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